Meisterburger – Extract (with Specialty Grains)




Dark Lager

Meisterburger is a medium dark, malty lager. Very much in the family of a Dunkles Bock, but brewed using American hops, this beer has a fresh, light hop character with all of the maltiness you would expect from a bock style lager.

Munich malt is the foundation of Meisterburger. This is blended with Vienna, and Pilsner Malts to create a rich malty character without being too heavy on the palate. Specialty malts include Cara Munich which lends a caramel sweetness, and a tiny bit of Chocolate Wheat for a little color adjustment. While this is by no means a hoppy beer, the American Chinook and Centennial hops give it a fresh unique character. Very different from the noble hops that would traditionally be used in a Dunkels Bock. The last piece of the puzzle is a malty German Lager yeast, and a nice cool fermentation time.

Being a lager, this is a more advanced beer to brew. It requires temperature control during fermentation and benefits from an extended lagering period. It can be brewed with either All Grain, or Extract with specialty grains methods.


Additional information

Dimensions 12 × 9 × 8 in
Yeast Options

Dry Yeast, Imperial, No Yeast, White Labs, Wyeast

Grain Milled?

No, Yes