Shabby Road IPA – Extract (with Specialty Grains)


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Shabby Road IPA

 New England Style IPA

Shabby Road IPA has all of the characteristics you would expect from a New England Style IPA. It has a low level of hop bittering, a nice soft mouthfeel, and a huge blast of hop aroma.

It would be classified in the BJCP category 21B Specialty IPA: New England IPA. At an estimated ABV of 5.4% this beer comes in on the lower end of the scale, and has had the hopping rates scaled back accordingly. It is an easy drinking beer. You will want to enjoy a few once you get started! Built around a base of Pale and Vienna malt there is a little color to support the malted wheat, flaked wheat, and flaked oats which create the soft sweet mouthfeel. The star of the show is the Strata hops which balanced with Citra and Mosaic give this beer a fantastic fruity flavor and aroma. Use Imperial Barbarian yeast for that classic New England IPA flavor, or brew a slightly more modern take with Imperial Juice (or any of the other brand’s version of this strain)

Additional information

Dimensions 12 × 9 × 8 in
Yeast Options

Dry Yeast, Imperial, No Yeast, White Labs, Wyeast

Grain Milled?

No, Yes